Monday, February 21, 2011

PWC Shit !!

127 hours compressed, in a fraction of a day,

The psychosis of a girlfriend at play,

Simpson didn't turn out to be all that gay,

Top geared cars on many a winding way,

...From the orb of entertainment, emerged yet another ray,

In the form of blue-blonde streaks, to cover the scary gray !! :P

Written by : Hema Thakur

The covered scary gray travels further, towards the brain tray,

Bringing about the damage and loss of economic way,

One fine day, ' shit, I could have done it' you say !!

Written by : ME


Original Quotations

This note consists of all those quotes that I had written by my self and posted on FB. These quotes are mainly on academics, events, occassions, other happenings and life in general. I will consistently update this and keep you all entertained.
Read them and take a refreshment . Cheers ! :D
1) I'm down with Sony fever - VAIO + Ericsson.
2) High, Higher, not the highest as rolled down to 360.
3) International students at LSE are suffering from a malady called ' diaspora ' ...especially the Indian capitalittes.
4) The corpus clock and the mathematical bridge ....What a day !
5) My name in Italian means ' sofa ' !
6) Time is long. Time is short. Time is uncertain. Time is rare. But, time brings emotions. Make every moment a memory.
Two weeks at LSE & I am back home !
7) Whenever may be the friendships day; today, tomorrow, everyday; I simply choose to wish you all now - Happy friendships day !
8) I dont read philosophy. I create my own.
9) Thank you all for the birthday wishes . I had a long great weekend with some Italians, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese, a Venezuelan and a Czech.
10) Its fun to get wet in the British Weather.
11) Last exam at LSE on friday. My motto : study hard, party harder.
12) Everyone was a stranger who waited to be a friend. Now when they became friends, they are all gone. LSE library is so empty ! I wouldnt promise to meet you. But all I can say - ' Have a great life and keep it high !'
13) Saloni Ketan Shah has been exported by UK to India on the day when UK left India. Happy Independence Day ! :D I miss London already :(
14) Once again , on a fresh page. Lets see , how much I get to scribble and score.
15) Sometimes the old shock the young by keeping themselves up to date !
16) I have expectations. You have expectations. We all have expectations. But we all fear and suspect our power to influence present which ends up in unexpected and unforeseen possibilities.
17) When I say 'I am bored', it is actually not meant that way. Its just that the work is not able to spare me from boredom.
18) Nature created organisms, organisms created objects. The organisms strive to keep a balance between them. Homo Sapiens are the most superior which are further classified. Academicians educate, doctors save, lawyers solve disputes, scientists discover. But, social scientists study thier behavior and change thier attitude to maintain the balance.
19) Activate yourself. You will lack boredom. Be preoccupied. Finally, attain accomplishment.
20)Saloni Ketan Shah is discovering her inner economist .
21) Economics is my living. But, visual arts is my life.
22) Not all economic theories can be applied in reality. But all realities contain economics.
23) I am a 'sane' insane !
24) Oktober Showers !
25) Diwali-the festival of lights , which in the spiritual sense means ' awareness of the inner light-reason and hope'.According to the Hindu calendar, the world will step into 2069 on this Sunday.Wishing everybody a happy diwali.May the glow of lamps fill your life with newer joys...and may the year ahead bring good fortune, happiness, good health and best memories to cherish forever.Have a joyous and a festive weekend. ( 5th November 2010)
26) Creativity requires open heart, open mind, open will without judgement, criticism and fear.
27) Merry Christmas ! Its time to have some wine. ( 25th December 2010)
28) I hate typing, so I dont want to be online. Sorry !
29) For every new day, we make decisions. For every new month, we make plans. For every new year, we make resolutions. WHY ?
30) The Tourist is okay , but Venice is awsome !!
31) Nice memories, Amazing food, Cold weather - Time for Pune.
32) A derivative a day keeps an integral away.
33) Not just Beats by the Beaches...cuz its GOA baby !!
34) Knowledge & Wisdom builds your personal human capital. Innovate, obstruct depreciation, increase cognition & gain a living and a life .
35) Financial Terms applied in Love Life : Why do we need a Hedge Fund ? There are only oppurtunity costs and no economic profits.
Saloni Ketan Shah
Two - Thirds Economist ( UoL - LSE )